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Selenium provides the ability to set various proxy settings for the browser session. This possibility is implemented and supplemented in Carina Framework through the usage of various configurations.

First, the type of proxying is controlled by the configuration parameter proxy_type. The value of this parameter can be ZEBRUNNER, DIRECT, MANUAL, PAC, AUTODETECT, SYSTEM, UNSPECIFIED. Let's consider them in more detail.

DIRECT proxy mode

Specifies that the session will not use a proxy.

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to DIRECT.

An example of using a proxy can be viewed here.

PAC proxy mode

A Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file is a JavaScript function that determines whether web browser requests (HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP) go directly to the destination or are forwarded to a web proxy server. More information about the structure of the pac file can be found here.

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to PAC.

This mode depends on the following configuration parameters:

proxy_autoconfig_url - specifies the URL to be used for proxy auto-configuration. Expected format is However, the value of this parameter may be local path with pac file.

proxy_pac_local - specifies, how the value provided in the proxy_autoconfig_url parameter. If the parameter value is true then it is assumed that proxy_autoconfig_url contains the path to the file on the local machine. It will be sent browser to set up a proxy. If the value of the parameter is false, then it is assumed that that proxy_autoconfig_url contains the URL to the pac file.

An example of using a proxy can be viewed here.

AUTODETECT proxy mode

Specifies whether to autodetect proxy settings. Presumably with WPAD.

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to AUTODETECT.

An example of using a proxy can be viewed here.

SYSTEM proxy mode

Use system proxy settings. Default Mode on Linux.

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to SYSTEM.

An example of using a proxy can be viewed here.

The mode set in the Selenium proxy by default and indicates that they should use the following settings (for Windows - DIRECT mode, for linux - SYSTEM).

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to UNSPECIFIED.

It is not recommended to use, if you want to specify that the proxy object is not added to session, then use UNUSED mode. Only added because Selenium provides the ability to explicitly specify the UNSPECIFIED proxy type.

MANUAL proxy mode

Proxy mode, in which the host and port of the proxy are explicitly specified.

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to MANUAL.

Depends on the following configuration parameters:

proxy_host - contains a proxy host, for example
proxy_port - contains a proxy port, for example 8080
proxy_protocols - contains a list of protocol types to which should be applied the above options. May contain a set of the following values: http, https, ftp, socks. Values are separated by a comma, such as http,https,ftp.
no_proxy - contains comma-separated addresses to which the proxy should not be applied.

If this mode applies to the entire application, you can use the following setting:

proxy_set_to_system - if true, then sets proxy values to system properties, i.e. the proxy will be applied to all http/https/ftp requests from the application as well (depends on the values listed in proxy_protocols). However, this approach is not thread-safe and is therefore not recommended for use in all other modes. Disabled by default.

An example of using a proxy can be viewed here.

ZEBRUNNER proxy mode

Proxy mode, designed to work with Zebrunner Selenium Grid.

Set by changing the value of the proxy_type parameter in the configuration to ZEBRUNNER.

By simply enabling this type of proxy, incoming/outgoing browser requests will be proxied. However, it is also possible to specify additional parameters for the proxy. The class com.zebrunner.carina.webdriver.proxy.ZebrunnerProxyBuilder is used for this.

This builder is used in the test before the driver is created. Usage example:

    public void proxyBuilderTest() {
        R.CONFIG.put(WebDriverConfiguration.Parameter.PROXY_TYPE.getKey(), "ZEBRUNNER", true);
        // adding a body modification condition (replace text 'Phone finder' with 'MODIFIED PHONE FINDER')
                .addBodyModify("Phone finder", "MODIFIED PHONE FINDER")

        HomePage homePage = new HomePage(getDriver());;
        Assert.assertTrue(homePage.isPageOpened(), "Home page is not opened!");
        Assert.assertEquals(homePage.getPhoneFinderButton().getText(), "MODIFIED PHONE FINDER",
                "'Phone Finder' text should be modified in response.");