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Zebrunner (Community Edition)


Zebrunner (Community Edition) is a Continuous configuration automation framework for continuous testing (running various kinds of tests on the code to gain successive levels of confidence in the quality of the code), and (optionally) continuous deployment. It is built in accordance with Infrastructure as Code processes.

It is integrated by default with carina-core open source TestNG framework and uses Jenkins as a CI Tool.

  • Zebrunner is built on top of popular docker solutions, it includes Postgres database, Zebrunner Testing Platform (Community Edition), Jenkins with agent node(s), Selenium Hub(s), Zebrunner Device Farm, SonarQube, etc.

    In additions it is easily integrated with 3rd party devices/browsers cloud providers like: Zebrunner Selenium Grid, Browserstack, SauceLabs etc

  • All components are deployed under NGiNX WebServer which can be configured in a fully secured environment

  • Zebrunner and its subcomponents all together can be used as an effective Test Automation infrastructure for test automation development, execution, management, etc.


Welcome to the Zebrunner Community Edition Tutorial. This manual is designed to help you install, configure and maintain your system, and to optimize and extend or re-configure it to meet the changing needs of your business.

In short, the aim of this manual is to explain the tasks involved in administering Zebrunner (Community Edition)


This guide is written for all levels of administrators, from those responsible for deployment and setup, to those who oversee the entire system and its usage. In addition, some information from User Guide is intended for TestOps engineers who want to build effective Test Automation process and follow best practices.

Assumed Knowledge

Installation and Configuration guides are for administrators who install, deploy and Manage Zebrunner products. It assumes the following knowledge:

  • Docker platform and docker compose orchestration tool skills
  • UNIX/Linux administration skills
  • Security and server administration skills
  • Understanding of your organization's security infrastructure, including authentication providers such as LDAP, and use of SSL
  • Understanding of your organization's network environment and port usage

User guide is for TestOps engineers who develop test automation scenarios, execute and maintain them etc. It assumes the following knowledge:

  • Preferable Test Automation language and framework.

    Java/ Maven/ TestNG/ Carina experience is a plus

  • Understanding of the basics of Jenkins pipeline and JobDSL


Code - Apache Software License v2.0

Documentation and Site - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License