User Guide
- TestNG repository is available.
For quick start use carina archetype
- Infrustructure is deployed, and optionally onPullRequest/onPush events configured.
Continious Intergration (Jenkins)
All test jobs are created and maintained automatically according to IaC processes. For every TestNG suite dedicated job is created.
For example visit carina suites
Test Jobs (API/Web/Mobile)
Use special annotations to define jobs name, ownership, schedule coverage matrix etc, for example API-Demo-Test Test Jobs can be executed on-demand, scheduled, included into different testing layers (Smoke, Regression, etc.).
Create a Job
- Open TestNG suite xml file
- Fill the bunch of parameters in your xml:
<parameter name="suiteOwner" value="qpsdemo"/>
<parameter name="jenkinsJobName" value="Job1"/>
<parameter name="jenkinsJobType" value="api"/>
<parameter name="jenkinsEmail" value=""/>
<parameter name="jenkinsEnvironments" value="DEMO"/>
- Commit and merge.
- After scan is finished (automatic or manual execution of SYSTEM->onPush job) "Job1" test job is created in Jenkins.
- Also you can register custom jenkins job fields if neccessary:
<!-- declaring custom string, boolean, hidden and static choice fields -->
<parameter name="stringParam::stringArg::custom string desc" value="string value" />
<parameter name="booleanParam::booleanArg::custom boolean desc" value="true" />
<parameter name="hiddenParam::hiddenArg::custom hidden desc" value="hidden value" />
<parameter name="choiceParam::choiceArg::custom choice desc" value="1, 2, 3" />
<!-- declaring custom exstensible field with groovy script. Semicolon ";" should be used as lines break -->
<parameter name="extensibleChoice::myExtensibleChoice::myDesc" value="import static java.util.Calendar.*;def date = new Date().format('MM/dd/yyy');return ['Release_date' + date]" />
Run a Job
- Login to Jenkins
- Go to organization/repository and open a Job
- Click Build with Parameters and run Build
- When Job is completed analyze published reports/logs (Zebrunner Report and TestNG reports)
Schedule a Job
- Open TestNG suite xml file
- Declare "scheduling" parameter :
<parameter name="scheduling" value="H 2 * * *" />
Note: Provide regular Jenkins Cron expression as a value. To organize multiple schedules use "::" as separator:
<parameter name="scheduling" value="H 2 * * *::H 10 * * *" />
- Commit and merge.
Delete a Job
- Delete TestNG suite xml file
- Commit and merge.
- Ask your administrator to remove the Job on Jenkins.
Cron Jobs (Layer of Testing)
Jenkins Pipeline Cron - this is a job that can execute different suites/jobs in scope of single run. Test Job can be assigned to testing layer(cron) using "jenkinsRegressionPipeline" annotation.
Create a Cron
- Open TestNG suite xml file
- Declare "jenkinsRegressionPipeline" property in xml:
<parameter name="jenkinsRegressionPipeline" value="nightly_regression, full_regression"/>
- Commit and merge.
- After scan is finished (automatic or manual) nightly_regression and full_regression crons are created in Jenkins.
- During execution nightly_regression or full_regression crons current test suite(job) must be executed.
How to Set up Configuration Matrix
- Open TestNG suite xml file
- Declare "jenkinsRegressionMatrix" property in xml:
<parameter name="jenkinsRegressionPipeline" value="Carina-Demo-Regression-Pipeline"/>
<parameter name="jenkinsRegressionMatrix" value="env: DEMO, branch: master; env:PROD, branch: prod"/>
- Commit and merge.
- After scan is finished (automatic or manual) Carina-Demo-Regression-Pipeline cron job is created in Jenkins.
- Every time you run Carina-Demo-Regression-Pipeline job it should start your suite xml child job twice for DEMO and PROD environments using appropriate branches.
Note: Any param values pairs can be provided. Comma separated - for single job params. Semicolon separated for multiple child job params.
Run a Cron
- Go to organization/repository and open a Cron Job
Note: There is a "CRON" view for such kind of jobs
- Click Build with Parameters and run Build
- Cron Job should trigger children jobs according to desired configuration matrix
- When Cron and children jobs are finished analyze children jobs' reports/logs (Zebrunner Report and TestNG reports)
Schedule a Cron
- Open any child TestNG suite xml file
- Declare "jenkinsRegressionScheduling" parameter :
<parameter name="jenkinsRegressionPipeline" value="Carina-Demo-Regression-Pipeline"/>
<parameter name="jenkinsRegressionScheduling" value="H 2 * * *" />
- Commit and merge.
- After scan is finished (automatic or manual) Carina-Demo-Regression-Pipeline is created and sheduled to run periodically in Jenkins.
Delete a Cron
- Open each TestNG suite xml file(s) and remove declaration of "jenkinsRegressionPipeline" property.
- Commit and merge.
- Ask your administrator to delete Cron job in Jenkins
Special Annotations
To start there are a number of additional parameters that can be added to an existing Test Suite xml. These parameters are: jenkinsJobName - This property is just the name that Jenkins should create a job for, the normal pattern here is to include the platform name in the job itself to make it easier to find inside of Jenkins. jenkinsJobDisabled - This property is for disable job on Jenkins. jenkinsJobType – This property tells Jenkins what type of job it is. This field can take a “web”, “api”, “ios”, “android” value. For each type of job appropriate capabilities and parameter are generated. If value set to “api” – Jenkins knows that there is no need to use web browser for run this Test Suite. If value set to “web” – Jenkins will use web browser to run the Test. Chrome browser will be used by default. If value set to “ios” – ios native application test job. If value set to “android” – android native application test job. capabilities - This property is extended W3C driver capabilities. scheduling - This property is for running jobs by the schedule. jenkinsGroups - This property is for running jobs in accordance with testng groups annotation. jenkinsEmail - This property takes a comma separated list of emails/distribution lists that end results of a Test Suite will be emailed to. jenkinsFailedEmail - This property takes a comma separated list of emails/distribution lists that end results of a Test Suite that contains failures will be emailed to. jenkinsRegressionPipeline - This property takes a comma separated string of the various pipelines that a specific Test Suite will be attached to. jenkinsEnvironments - This property takes a comma separated string of the various environments that might be tested for that particular suite i.e. PROD, QA, DEV, STAGE, BETA, etc. jenkinsJobExecutionOrder - This property takes a number value and allows for a pipeline to be generated which will run tests in a sequential synchronous manner, compared to the default asynchronous manner. jenkinsJobExecutionMode - This property is only consumed when a jenkinsJobExecutionOrder has been set on a pipeline which would put that pipeline into a synchronous mode and takes a value of "continue" or "abort". When it is "abort" we halt the entire pipeline as only failed job detected. It might be useful to setup extended health-check scenarios. jenkinsRegressionMatrix - This property we use for creating configuration test matrix. overrideFields - This property takes any number of custom fields that need to be available at run-time for a job to run successfully. They can override any CI parameter forcibly. jenkinsSlackChannels - This property is responsible for send test run results to Slack channel via slack-api. jenkinsFailedSlackChannels - This property takes a comma separated list of slack channels to notify about failures. jenkinsDefaultRetryCount - This property allows to provide custom retry_count property (number of extra attempts for test execution). jenkinsNodeLabel - This property allows to override slave label and execute test on custom server. overrideFields - This property allows to add custom Fields that can override default fields. provider - This property is for add provider for test job. jenkinsAutoScreenshot - This property is a boolean parameter mostly to enable auto_screenshot which is disabled by default.
Support Channel
- Join Telegram channel in case of any question