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Run one test on android and ios in parallel

To run tests on multiple devices, including different platforms, you can use a data provider. For example, you can create a data provider like:

@DataProvider(parallel = true, name = "capabilitiesDataProvider")
public static Object[][] capabilitiesDataProvider() {
    return new Object[][] {
        { "Samsung Galaxy M52 5G", "Android", "" },
        { "iPhone 8 Plus", "iOS", "" }

and the test that this data provider uses:

@Test(dataProvider = "capabilitiesDataProvider")
public void testLoginUser(String deviceName, String platformName, String app) {
    R.CONFIG.put("capabilities.deviceName", deviceName, true);
    R.CONFIG.put("capabilities.platformName", platformName, true);
    R.CONFIG.put("", app, true);

    WelcomePageBase welcomePage = initPage(getDriver(), WelcomePageBase.class);
    Assert.assertTrue(welcomePage.isPageOpened(), "Welcome page isn't opened");

Thus, you can throw up any capability, capabilities will also be taken from the config file.

In the TestNG xml suite file, do not forget to specify the number of parallel streams for the data provider data-provider-thread-count, for example:

<suite name="Carina Demo Tests - Mobile Sample (Android)" verbose="1" parallel="methods" data-provider-thread-count="5">

This exception may appear due to multiple app reinstalls on the Android device. You need to add remoteAppsCacheLimit capability with value 0 for all Android testing to disable caching mechanism. This capability was delivered as part of original CE codeline.

Explanation and original google feedback about INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE exception might be found here.

Run tests on tvOS, AndroidTV

Run tests on tvOS

To run tests for tvOS, set the capability value of platformName to tvOS in, for example:

capabilities.platformName=tvOS #here
capabilities.deviceName=Apple TV
capabilities.deviceType=tv # carina custom capability

TvOS provides remote controller based actions. Appium provides Buttons actions via mobile: pressButton. These are menu, up/down/left/right, home, playpause and select. You can emulate these actions like this:

JavascriptExecutor driver = (JavascriptExecutor)getDriver();
Map<String, String> commandHomeAttributes = ImmutableMap.of("name", "Home"));
driver.executeScript("mobile: pressButton", commandHomeAttributes);
Map<String, String> commandUpAttributes = ImmutableMap.of("name", "Home"));
driver.executeScript("mobile: pressButton", commandUpAttributes);

Also, to emulate transitions between elements, you can use a simple click on the element you are looking for.

For more info visit tvOS appium support.

In the implementation of tests, the idea is the same as in mobile-testing.

Run tests on AndroidTV

To get started, enable developer options. To connect to a device, you need to know at least the Device Name, Platform Name, and Platform Version. You specify this data as a capabilities in, for example:

capabilities.deviceName=Redmi TV
capabilities.deviceType=tv # carina custom capability

When testing, you will simulate pressing buttons from the remote control. To do this, you can use the pressKeyboardKey method from IAndroidUtils with key event parameters AndroidKey.DPAD_UP, AndroidKey.DPAD_DOWN, AndroidKey.DPAD_LEFT, AndroidKey.DPAD_RIGHT, AndroidKey.DPAD_CENTER and other. For more info see TV UI events.

In the implementation of tests, the idea is the same as in mobile-testing.